Articles on: Sequencers

Instructions Building

Instructions are important because they shape how the persona breaks down a sequence. In general, the better your instructions, the better your sequence will be. You can use this tool to help build your person. There are several types of instructions. We in general, consider these are some of the big ones to understand. You can try out our instruction helper if you want a get some instructions build pretty quickly. GPT Sequencer Instruction Building Tool.

Header Instructions

Header instructions shape what the top of the sequence will look like. There are several sub components of this. They are:

Title Instructions

The title is important because it is what the user immediately sees the bolded text when then they go a sequence. It give users context to understand what is in the sequence.
There are a few options. Here are some:
Don't add any instructions for the title and SequenceStack will generate a title for your.
Set the title to what you want with this: Set title to "ABC 123"
Hybrid: Set partial title: Use this title: "How to ABC 123" [Summary of User Input]

Purpose Instructions

The purpose is important because it gives the user _the why_ around why the sequence was built.
Don't add any instructions for the purpose and SequenceStack will generate a purpose for your.
Set the purpose to what you want with this: Set purpose to "Ensure we have an agreed to plan to build out the roadmap"
Hybrid: Set partial purpose: Use this purpose: "Ensure we have an agreed to plan: " [Summary of User Input]

Deliverables Instructions

Like the title, here are some options:
Don't add any instructions for the purpose and SequenceStack will generate a purpose for your.
Set the purpose to what you want with this: Set purpose to "Ensure we have an agreed to plan to build out the roadmap"
Hybrid: Set partial purpose: Use this purpose: "Ensure we have an agreed to plan: " [Summary of User Input]
Note, you could also add a kpi goal in the deliverable. "Pease add our KPI of completing the sequence in 10 min in our deliverable"

Summary Note

You can add notes any time you want to give the user context. It is usually great to add more context in the note along with any reference links to make it easy for users to click on them.
Here is a basic option:
"Please include a summary about what the sequence is doing and why it is important before you start the sequence. Include this link for more details link name"

Sequence Limiters

There are times when you want to limit a sequence to keep it relatively small and simple. There are a few ways to do this. Those ways are:
Reducing number of actors. There are times when you only want a few key actors (aka people) in a sequence, and not everyone who could possible be involved. You would do this, typically by stating: "Limit actors to 2"
Reducing number of participants (overall) to keep steps clearer. You would state: "Limit participants to 5"
Reduce number of messages. Messages communications that are sent between objects. You can limit the number these and thus the overall length of the sequence. To do this, you would state: "Limit the total messages to 20"
Verbosity Scope. You can alter the message duration to make it longer or shorter. You would say something like this: "Keep messages to 3 words".

Risk Factors

If you have some risk factors, you should take a few minutes to state these. Here is an example, lets say you are building a sequence for a pizza maker. You could add an instruction like this:
Add an action before the risk: "One of the worst things that can happen when you make pizza, is running out of ingredients. Please make sure that you ensure you have all of your ingredients before you start making your pizza."
Add an action to mitigate future risk: "When you are done making the pizza, please check your supplies and order more if needed."

Communication Protocols

When you are working with other people, especially in the remote asynchronous tasks, it is important to make sure that you have super clear communication established. One of the most helpful things you can do it document the actual language people use when communicating. Here are some communication instructions that could be helpful.
In addition to the normal messages, please add the actual wording that someone would use to communicate that they are done with the task and the the person need to take the next step. Also, please note that we want them to post their message on the team slack.

KPI Instructions

Knowing your goals in a sequence are super important. Here is an example of a KPI based on time
"Please include the estimated time for each message in the sequence so we can look at the total time."
"Please include the estimated total time vs our KPI goal time."

Example of a great instruction set:
Do good

Updated on: 29/12/2024

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